Sunday, October 31, 2010

Humble thoughts

Hello all!
Its been quite some time, ne?

I have been thinking lately and even though I havent really been active in cosplay due to not having a job and money issues, I am considering posting cosplay entries on here.

I guess I would include how-to's as well as daily ramblings about my cosplay ideas and such. Some times I might even include a video here and there.
I feel that posting such things on deviantArt for example is a little bothersome since that is not exactly a blog site.

So I guess this is just the beginning. I am considering putting up some pictures of me making Finn the human's back pack. Its some-what easy and fun as long as you dont have any real problems with the sewing machine like I did OTL (Grace+Machines=bad!)

Until then...
Please look forward to more!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"You just need to relax"

I finally made it home!

No more travels planned for the summer (yet) and I am eager to get things back on their regular routine. In fact id say I am a little impatient about it, so much that its putting me in an aggitated state of mind, haha.

Luckily I have a friend kind enough to tell me to just relax and take things one at a time instead of all at once.
She's right and I probably should stop thinking about it too. Its starting to give me a headache thinking about all the things I have to do.

So right now I will just use this time to prepare myself for next week and unpacking.
It feels so nice being back in my own room now though. I did miss everything here even when I was enjoying my time in New Jersey.

I look forward to posting more about the things to come !
Hopefully I wont get too busy where I forget to keep updating on here, haha. (:

Until then...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Traveling again

Lately we have been getting hit with a lot of severe weather. I am just hoping that I will be able to escape from the hot weather atleast when I travel up north this week.

Its been a week since I got back and things seem to be going along smoothly.
Though, I would have to admit, traveling again not too long after Japan is a bit rough.

My mom just got home and I just got to hang out with my friends again, I am going to miss everyone.
But thankfully its still within the states that I am visiting this time. I look forward to taking lots of pictures and hopefully I can have some fun adventures to post about!

Until then...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home at last

Immigration and customs was a NIGHTMARE!

Other than that, id say my trip was pretty smooth. Getting on my flight in tokyo was a breeze, but when I got in Atlanta, it became a little more challenging. I am guessing this is for international flights, since I have never had to do this, but I went through two baggage checks/claims.

After all that, I made my way to the end and when I saw my brother I will tell you I felt totally relieve. I knew the traveling was over for the most part!
Sadly I didnt get much sleep on the plane so I slept in the car, which is no suprise, I always sleep better in cars. haha.

Now all I have to do is unpack! I will also be working on a video of my overall trip with some video messages included and all my pictures (:

Please look forward to those!
I unpack only ending up having to pack again not too long after!
Oh~ what overwhelming joy! /sarcasm

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This is sayonara, Japan.

I would have to say that today is the only day, out of the two weeks I have been here, that I didnt really do much all day. But i guess in a way, it was necessary. I did pack all my things and its crazy all the stuff that i am bringing back.

We tried going out to the Aeon mall to find something I was looking for but it was unsuccessful, no big deal though. I might possibly come back next year anyways, haha.

I just hope that when I get back to America and after my NJ trip that I will be able to find a job, I really need one.

Anyways, after the mall we headed back to home base and thats when I did most of my packing. After a power nap we then went out to a convienant store so I could buy a few small things. Then we headed out for my final meal in Japan! Ramen! haha.

Mrs. Hiromi asked why I wanted to eat it and I had to explain that in america its expensive and rare to find REAL ramen, haha.

I am a little nervous about the airport tomorrow. I know the basic layout of it all but I wasnt in the same area as the gates are for when boarding a plane so I am not very familiar with that. I guess in the worst case I could ask, but if you know me, I dont like asking for directions most of the time. haha.

I look forward to seeing everyone and cannot wait for NJ, its going to all be some more fun!

Please look forward to more posts! Thanks to all who have been keeping up!

Monday, May 24, 2010

With a few days left...

I am still enjoying myself. Today was pretty much like yesterday with a few more adventures tossed in there, which was nice (: It rained again all day though and by the end of it, it was humid; yuck! D:<>

So today, which I didnt know until 8am, we had a tea ceremony class again but this time it was on monday. haha. So after that, which was rather difficult... how do japanese sit on their legs for so long?! I couldnt feel mine for a long time, haha.

After the class and cleaning up and everything, we then went out for lunch! Thats a good thing though because I was just about to die! haha.
Suprisingly to me, we went to go eat ramen!!! ((:

After that we dropped off sensei and went out to a recycling shop (pretty much like goodwill or a thrift store just a lot more better of a selection to choose from!) then dropped off another person that was with us (:
We then went to another shop, again we were looking for something but I bought some totally opposite things (but of course they were cheap!) then got a little drink to keep me going!

Then heading to a final shop, we bought groceries and headed back home!

Tonight for dinner was Udon but I didnt get any pictures... haha. Then Mrs. Hiromi taught me how to put a yukata on. Tomorrow night or sometime she said she will teach me caligraphy. Thats gonna be cool (: Lots of packing to do tomorrow though and I hope everything isnt going to make my suitcase too heavy XD

Until then!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

When it rains.

And today there was a lot of it. I`d say more than there was last time.
Today started off a little later since its the weekend, but we did head out by 10am. We continued on our mission since it was unsuccessful yesterday. The first store we went in today we had success! ((:

Afterwards we went in a few more stores to buy some food and what not and headed into Tsukuba. After about 2 hours of chilling we then went out to the train station to drop off Mami. By then we headed to another 100yen store to find some socks I have been looking for (its really hard to find them in black! lol) but didnt find them. I saw a lot of other things though! haha.

It seems there are a lot of hello kitty things and because its so rare to me because its expensive in America, seeing it on disposable chopsticks or plastic bags is something I cant get used to. lol.

Tomorrow we go out to search for some final things before I head back to the States. It will be a sad but sweet ending, mainly because I love it here but I know I will come back.
This past week and now almost two weeks has seemed like a whole month so in a way I am glad it was only two weeks that I stay. I miss my friends and family and although I know I will get tired of telling everyone the same story, I will be glad just in the fact that I was able to come here.